Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Peoples' Blog!

Apparently I picked a good weekend to miss Scorpions hockey, and I only mean that half-sarcastically this time. I didn't see any of Friday's game (thankfully) and I was only able to tap into about 30 minutes of streaming audio from Saturday before my shoddy wireless crapped out again. Alas, I'll be in flight for today's matinee against Odessa, so I'd like to open up the floor to any readers to post their own blog-style analysis of this weekend's games. Do me proud!

On a sidenote, is Marco Emond really going to win goaltender of the week? I could see it with Colorado's defense in front of him, or Laredo's, but not with Arizona's porous back line. Maybe he's found a home in sunny South Dakota

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